Every 30 seconds, somewhere in the world a leg is lost due to diabetes1. By 2040, 1 out of 10 adults worldwide (642 million) will suffer from diabetes2. A dangerous complication is Diabetic foot. Because of peripheral neuropathy (damage to the peripheral nerves, causing a lack of feeling), small injuries to the foot remain unnoticed. Because of ischemia (reduced blood supply, resulting in poor wound heeling, ulceration or gangrene) 25% of diabetics will have these injuries develop into an ulcer. 1 in 5 ulcers will require surgical amputation3,1. Throughout the world, up to 70% of all leg amputations happen to diabetic patients1. Patients who have had an amputation are 80% more likely to die in the next 5 years1,4. Diabetic foot is aecting the quality of life of thousands and is imposing a huge cost burden5. Frail elderly, who have trouble checking their feet, are at serious risk! As they are less exible and have poor vision, they can’t check their foot soles. Reduced physical activity makes them more vulnerable for ischemia. But there is hope! Oido can prevent 1 in 5 diabetic related amputations3! Oido is a home monitoring solution that pictures all areas of the feet at risk, including the soles and toes. Both regular and infrared thermal images (to reveal infections) are send to the medical caregiver, who can detect small injuries in an early state. Patients will also be prompted to do exercises to stimulate blood flow. Oido will save lives by saving limbs! This project was shortlisted for the RSA Student Design Awards 2016 in the category 'The good life'